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1 University

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2 Subjects

Assignment 8 Mise-en-Scène

Assignment 8 Mise-en-Scène

Q View the AFI's list of the 100 Greatest Movies You can either write your analysis or create a multimedia presentation (three to four minutes). Make sure you incorporate terms in your analysis. A written analysis should be a minimum of 400 words, but aim for around 450-600, the equivalent of a solid two typed page, double spaced in 10 or 12 font if we were using printed pages as our guideline.

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In this assignment I shall talk about the movie ‘Schindler’s List’. There are many reasons why this movie is one of my favorites. The movie directed by Steven Spielberg incorporates Mise-en-scene in a very effective manner. The movie takes place with the background of World War II and the location is Poland. It is interesting to note that the movie is shot in black and white but still manages to give excellent Mise-en-scene effect by the means of setting and narrative of human figures The way the lighting is used is of prime focus. The movie takes place during the time of Holocaust and focused on one man who saves the life of many.